Episode 12. I still am amazed this is even a thing.That I am watching this unfold.And anxiety sets in as each passing episode gets us closer to the end. I’m not ready for it to be over.For there to be no more. While I know that it is not in Lynch’s nature to give closure ,I hope the ending has certain satisfying conclusions. I fear that Dale Cooper will not return.The show is called The Return, and it does seem to indicate that Coopers return is part of the series overall theme and eventual resolution.I just hope they don’t pull the rug out from under us and keep him locked in his current state.If/WHEN he does return, I do anticipate he will not be the Dale Cooper we once knew.He will be scarred,but still Cooper in his core. The Return could also refer to the return of Laura Palmer , in some fashion.(I’m thinking as a red head this time).Though, very little in the series so far has circled around Laura.
So Episode 12, Let’s Rock!
Angelo Badalamenti's music enters and the pure joy of this shows existence emerges once more.
Now it's dark.Nighttime in Buckhorn.The hotel front glows with green and reds and yellows
Gordon,Albert, and Tammy are sitting around the table, the conversation
is lively. Wine is flowing.Gordon is scanning for listening devices.
This is a strange act from a strange man. Why would they think that his
private room of a hotel in Buckhorn North Dakota would be laced with
listening devices?
Considering the conversation that follows his concern is understandable.Secrets shared.
Amusing to me that a man so obsessed with listening for listening devices has at many times shown that his personal amplifier doesn’t always seem to work properly. While many of his malapropisms play for humor. I often wonder if he is having a laugh himself.Or playing the role of the cheese to catch the whispering rat.
The trio shares a toast to the bureau.A moment that is supposed to show their team spirit. All the while I am trying to read the titles of the books on the bookshelf behind their heads. Its a weakness.Show me a picture of ones bookshelf and I want to discover what titles and surprises are waiting.
Albert has something to tell Tammy.
"In 1970 the United States Air Force shut down Project Blue Book.Their 20 year investigation into UFOs.They concluded that no credible evidence existed and therefore they posed no threat to national security.In other words,a massive cover-up.
Cheers !
“A few years later the military and FBI formed a top secret task force to explore the troubling abstractions raised by cases Blue Book failed to resolve.We called it the Blue Rose after a phrase uttered by a woman in one of these cases just before she died."
This last revelation is most intriguing. I hope that there will be some more exploration into this in the pending follow up book to the Secret History of Twin Peaks due out in October : Twin Peaks the Final Dossier.
“Which suggested these answers could not be reached except by an alternate path we've been traveling ever since. Gordon suggested an agent by the name of Phillip Jeffries to head he squad.”
“He soon recruited three others:myself(Albert),Chet Desmond and Dale Cooper. “
“Perhaps you haven’t failed to notice that I'm the only one of that group who hasn't disappeared without explanation. Which has led to a certain reluctance on Gordons' part to bring new blood into the fold....until tonight."
Tammy is offered the job and accepts. Albert then tells her "I'll brief you in detail in the morning".....how brief could the details be about THIS?!!?
Two things come to mind filled with questions.
1) Tammy Preston as a choice for this role. 2) Timeline
1) While I am not a detractor for the character of Agent Tammy Preston. ( I was an admirer of Chrysta Bell's music years before her becoming a part of this series). The characters presentation is a little troubling. Our first exposure to her is via the previously mentioned Secret History of Twin Peaks.In that book she is directed by Gordon Cole to review a collection of documents that were found locked in a box at a crime scene. These documents closely relate to the town of Twin Peaks and its residents. How the touch of this town reached far and wide and back again.
Her characters contribution consists of notes to the side of the documents ,providing verification and validations. But oddly, her observations are not very deep in discovery or revelation.She even misses what are some blatant timeline errors.(Though, this fact remains to be 100% discounted as there have been hints as to many hands in the pie,alternate timelines,time travel,and a revelation in the series that will shed light on the reason for what are now seen as errors)
There is very little to give one a sense of a unique perspective or the person behind the words.Nothing that gives the reader a AHA moment as to why Tammy would be the one chosen to take on this task. This to an extent is understandable, she is reviewing the documents for the FBI, and would need to maintain a respectable level of professionalism.Personal dialect or politics would have to be restrained.
Having Agent Preston chosen to join the Blue Rose team gives some explanation for her being chosen to review the important found document. It should be noted that the document has not been discovered in the series thus far.(There is a box that is seen in one of Ruth Davenport’s apartment rooms, under a desk ,that looks a bit like the box the Secret History is shown to be secured within-nothing is as of yet confirmed.)
Will it be found at the important coordinates?Hidden in a paranormal rabbit hole in the woods?
The timelines of Agent Preston's exploration of the document places it after the events of the series. The series has some thinking it takes place in the year 2014 (25 years after the original Twin Peaks series) with Agent Preston’s assignment concerning the book happening in 2016. In the book, Preston doesn’t give sense that she has a deep awareness of Jeffries,Desmond or Cooper,other than their disappearances. So either she is restrictively tight lipped about the individuals or doesn’t play a major role in the rest of the unfolding series story as a witness. She has seen the Bad Dale and been seen reviewing and comparing files on Agent Cooper. Will she ever meet the Good Dale?
The Tammy character has not been given much to do within this series. Most of her actions have involved her standing,cutting a unique form.Observing.Speaking very little. Her only major moment was her interview with William Hastings. Granted, that was a fantastic scene to be involved in.Her purpose in that moment was to ask questions.As a viewer ,we haven't been given any personal look inside the Agent. Who is she behind the badge? Where is the scene that shows us she is a agent of substance?Unique observational skills? There was a brief moment where she investigated the fingerprints on record for Agent Cooper and the newly obtained ones from the Bad Dale.Where we saw her putting together pieces. But even that was minor in execution.
2) Timeline. When did Jeffries ask Agent Cooper and or Chet Desmond to join the fold? In Fire Walk With Me,two years after Phillip Jeffries disappearance, Agent Cooper meets him for the first time in an FBI office in Philadelphia.Gordon to Coop" Meet the long lost Phillip Jeffries, you might remember him from the academy" Was Cooper headhunted during his training? .If this is their first meeting,and then subsequent disappearance of Agent Jeffries, how could Cooper be asked by him to join the task force?
Maybe its not a recruitment in the traditional sense . Perhaps it is by coming into contact with a case that falls under the criteria of a Blue Rose experience that constitutes being recruited into investigating the Blue Rose.....Because once you've witnessed this weirdness you will be changed forever,see things from a different perspective.Open to the possibilities
Cooper meeting Jeffries in FWWM ,and Jeffries subsequent sudden disappearance could be what they are referencing as the moment when Dale was invited into the mix.And not a direct invitation. They couldn’t simply say to coop, now you just go on back to work and forget about what you just saw here. OK?
If you witnessed something such as the sudden and inexplicable appearance and disappearance of a fellow FBI agent, how could you report that?Who in the agency could you talk about with this and not be seen as a rambling fool? Speaking of the experience would undermine the trust of your fellow agents in your ability to do your job,to not be seen as a nutcase.Even though what you have seen/experienced is real.
Was Chet Desmond retroactively "chosen" by his sudden disappearance( not unlike the sudden disappearance of Phillip)? Desmond was aware of Gordon’s Blue Rose cases by the code pinned to the Lil’s red dress.Maybe he was aware of the code but not the specifics.Or ,perhaps, Desmond had experienced something prior to Theresa Banks and was welcomed into the group.Maybe he assisted in the search for the missing Phillip Jeffries prior to investigating the murder of Theresa Banks and was privy to some weird information.
Agent Tammy being present to Hastings sudden terminal headache and Gordon's almost crossing over to the other side,Major Briggs mysterious ageless body,the reappearance of a changed Agent Cooper are all inexplicable things to have witnessed. The Blue Rose cases need some young blood as all the old crew are either disappearing or worse.
Enter Diane. Slinking through a red curtain. This moment makes no attempt to disguise the fact that we are to think of the Red Room in the Lodge. Diane's mysterious , yet unexplained behavior has us as viewers questioning her loyalties.
So when Albert and Gordon speak of her awareness of Blue Rose cases with Agent Cooper, its a little questionable as to why they would deputize her and ask for her assistance since her behavior has been suspicious with the mysterious texts. Could this be a legal way for them to spy on Diane's personal communications without a warrant?
It does give a legitimate reason for her characters continued presence.( I’m glad she has turned out to be more than just a one moment revelation-I would love a series involving her)
Keep your enemies close.
But is she an enemy? Diane asks whats in it for me?Fair question.Money and maybe the satisfaction of learning what happened to your friend cooper. And there it is ....friend....This appears to strike a chord with Diane. She snuffs her cigarette out and takes on a serious,determined expression. And with an almost Bookhouse Boys nose to finger salute she says
"Let's Rock"
It should be noted that the musical cue that emerges at this exact moment was also heard when Agent Cooper came upon the missing Chet Desmond’s car with the same words "Lets Rock" scrawled upon them in what appears to be lipstick.A lodge time traveling Dianes lipstick? stranger things have happened on this show.
The phrase is also first attributed to the Little Man From Another Place as his first words spoken to Agent Cooper.
But is finding out what happened to Coop really the motivation? Or does she hope for some type of revenge?Against whom?Cooper?Bad Dale?Gordon and Albert and the FBI? Who is she texting? Does she want something that she has learned about in her exposure to Blue Rose cases?Out of all of the threads that have been woven into this shows fabric, I hope the mystery of her motivation is revealed before this is over.Either within the series or in the Final Dossier. I hope she has been working for good. But I fear that like all things Twin Peaks, there is darkness within.
Deputizing her places her closer to the danger.This may not turn out well for her in the end.
Aaaaaaaaand now it's time for Little House on the Jerry.As he is out of
the woods(well,the literal woods at least). The question remains, where
is he? And is he close to Jack Rabbits palace?Who will he come across
first? The Bookhouse Boys? Richard hiding out in the middle of nowhere? I
hope this trek in the woods wasn’t an aimless pot heads excursion.
Off to the market and it's shopping with Sarah Palmer. Let's see now, we need vodka,check,.....vodka,check.....and ...*sigh*, they only have three bottles.Must not have had time to restock from my visit yesterday.
Sarah Palmer,looking exhausted, moving towards us slowly,Smiles as she sees her old friend vodka in the shelf.With the two bottles of tomato juice already in her cart it could be surmised that she will be making Bloody Marys tonight.A RED drink.
At the check out,she asks for a carton of Salem’s cigarettes.It's of interest that a specific brand name is mentioned on the show.Product placement is generally not called out by real names and most directors cut around the specific mention of a brand.Often it is only in relation to a character that the brand name gets spoken. Think Blue Velvet’s Heineken vs Pabst Blue Ribbon scene.
The name Salem does invoke the idea of witches and trial by fire.We know that Sarah Palmer has gifts,as evidenced by her visions and that she can be a spoken through.
It should be noted that the only items Sarah purchases are three bottles of vodka,two bottles of tomato juice and a box of cigarettes. $133.70.Liquid diet?
On the wall behind the register hangs two flavors of jerky. Beef and Turkey The brand,Albatross.English Literature students will recognize that an Albatross is sometimes used metaphorically to mean a psychological burden that feels like a curse.Something that Sarah is far to familiar with herself.
The turkey flavor is new and this seems to concern Sarah.She drifts in and then suddenly out of her thoughts.Since she is taken by this turkey, lets take a moment to think about what this could mean:
In the movie Fire Walk With Me , Laura Palmer confesses to James in a private moment "I'm gone. Long gone. Like a turkey in the corn." Creamed corn, perhaps? Laura's in garmonbozia(pain and suffering)
We have also seen a turkey next to representation of corn on Hawks ancient map. Corn that is also next to the black fire.Death
In reference to Hawks heritage, which has been said to be important to whats going on in Twin Peaks,the turkey has a place in the Native American totems:
The turkey totem is also connected to the idea of "having enough" and being satisfied with what you have to the point of giving to others in need. It's anti-materialism echoed in the nightly broadcasts of Dr. Amp.
"Are they smoked?" Sarah asks of the new jerky.An image that evokes fire.They are.(Maybe she doesnt like turkey alternatives: Don't expect a turkey dog here!) Her initial questions and statements are not really that out of the ordinary: I dont remember seing those beef jerky there before.What type is it?is it smoked? It's the jittery manner in which she asks it that makes it appear to bear more meaning than it probably should.
However, a familiar musical cue begins to grow in volume. We have heard it before in Fire Walk With Me.Closely connected to the Lodge.One scene I recall it being under is the appearance of Phillip Jeffries.
She seems to be having a mild vision. Or maybe just an cognitive episode from all her years of suffering from the immense loss. Is this Sarah's healthy mind trying hard to remain in control over the broken parts? Is she talking to someone that is not there? Is there? Is she recalling a conversation from before?
"Were you here when they first came?
Your room seems different.
And men are coming.
I am trying to tell you...
That you have to watch out.
Things can happen!
Something happened to me.
Hmm? Something happened to me!
I don't feel good. I don't feel good!
Sarah. Sarah, stop doing this. Stop doing this, stop doing this.
Ok. Leave this place.
Find the car key. Find the car key.
Get the car key. Get the car—get the goddamn car key!
Sarah runs out the door. Interesting that the young cashiers don't treat her episode as something to laugh at. They actually show concern.And the young boy knows where she lives and offers to deliver Sarah’s abandoned purchase to her home. Sarah's sad story is probably a town legend and everyone knows about her.
Who was Sarah talking to or about?Is someone speaking to her by speaking through her? are we hearing the visitors words but not Sarah’s side of the conversation with the visitor in her head?
Watching Grace Zabriskie perform this breakdown of Sarah is a fantastic treat.We know of the pain Sarah must feel in every moment.Depression and loneliness can drive a person mad and she conveys this explicitly.
Elsewhere at the NEW Fat Trout Trailer park. Carl comes out of his trailer to speak with a passing elderly man walking with a cane.The moment that follows make me love Carl Rodd as a character even more than before. If anything bad happens to this man with the big heart before the series ends I will be greatly saddened and displeased with Frost/Lynch for doing that to such kindness.I honestly got a little teared up during this scene.
This man Carl IS an empath.
Before him is a man,Kriskol, who ,despite his cane, has spent time raking up leaves and mowing lawns in the trailer park without being payed for the work.A man who wants to work,be useful.He has even helped install a gas tank for another resident, without pay. But is selling his own blood.... for food.
Carl will have none of that. he gives the man 50 bucks for the work AND tells him don’t pay next months rent. We know this man is military in the way he says "Yes,Sir" over and over to Carl's questions. This feels like a Frost/Lynch statement on how our veterans have to live after they serve our country.
This man wants to stay useful.Busy.Work.Be helpful to others. Despite his physical situation.And ask nothing for it even though he clearly needs the financial assistance to even afford to eat.
In Las Vegas we find The Good Coop and Sonny Jim out the backyard
playing ball.....well, not really, as the scene lasts only long enough
for Sonny Jim to push The Good Dale out to the yard and then toss the
ball to him once.The ball hits the Good Dale right in the left shoulder
and he doesn’t react in the slightest. I'm sure many watching hoped the
ball would smack the Good Dale in the knoggin and he would wake up as
Cooper. Or at least instinctively raise the glove to catch the ball and
then toss it ...only to miss Sonny Jim by far , but accidentally shatter
a bottle in the distance.
See Part 1 here : http://mypartyofone.blogspot.com/2017/08/lets-rock-part-1.html
Oh ,Gordon..You sly dog.He has a guest in his room. Shes very Isabella Rossillini. Speaks french.(that’s the type of girl that makes you want to learn french) Flirts immensely with Gordon as she takes her slow time gathering up her things when asked to leave.In the hallway outside the door, hangs a painting of a waterfall.
Albert has interrupted their private moment .Gordon talks of her and one can not help but think of Lil from Fire Walk With Me and Gordon’s love of Code." Shes here visiting the friend of her mother ,whose daughter has gone missing."
See Part 1 here : http://mypartyofone.blogspot.com/2017/08/lets-rock-part-1.html
Hawk pulls up to THE PALMER HOUSE !! While appropriately enough Angelo
The Palmer yard is unkempt.The grass is indeed greener on the other as
the neighors lawns are lush and bright green while the Palmer yard is
brown and ragged.
We catch glimpse of the symbolic ceiling fan through an upstairs
window.Are we looking through what was Laura's bedroom window out into
the hallway?Who is under the fan now?The ceiling fan was often connected
to BOB’s acts of darkness inside this house.The fan appears to be
spinning on a high speed, but looks to me like they may under-cranked
while filming the fan in motion giving it the unnatural energetic speed.
Hawk is checking in on Sarah.I wondered if he might be here to
mentioned the found diary pages. To share them with Sarah and see if she
has any information to offer after all these years.Or might he have
decided that would be unnecessarily cruel.
is cranky.But interesting, she is well aware of her episode at the
grocery store.So we know she is present in these moments , or at least
aware afterwards.
We hear bottles rustling in the background. Is this the bag boy from
the grocery store knocking something over? I'm sure that there are
bottles all over hte place in her kitchen.Does Sarah have him tied up
and he is struggling? With the implication of the fan and Sarahs
"something happened to me" statement from earlier, might there be
darkness inside Sarah? Shes been open to visions and channeling the
Lodge before.
"It's a goddamn bad story ,isnt it Hawk." Sarah angerly blurts out. Is
she reading Hawks mind in this moment? Or does she know what the people
of this town say about her? Is she commenting on her life. Almost
mockingly .Tsk tsk Isnt that poor woman sad?
Hawk to Sarah " if you need help...help of ANY kind . Call..I mean it" Any kind? spiritual,perhaps?
With this and the Carl Rod scene we have to examples of good people
offering to help those in need. And the response from both. The
surprised vet takes it.Sarah,essentially refuses it ,slamming the door
in Hawks face with a sarcastic "Thanks Hawk".
She is probably thinking where has this HELP been all theses years when
Ive been alone after my husband murdered my only daughter and then
died? The townsfolk most likely tossed her aside and even avoided her
altogether afterwards.
Next we in the hallway at the Twin Peaks hospital. We've moved down
this hallway before in the past.Miriam has made it to the hospital. But
did her heart just stop? The machine starts rapid beeping. And we can
not see the green dot move along the heart monitor line anymore.She
needs help
Diane is in the
bar of her hotel,having a drink, of course. She receives a text. "Las
Vegas?" Her response,"they havent asked yet"
What does she know about Las Vegas? Could this mean she is aware of the
existence of "Dougie"?I would find it unlikely that she knows of The
Good Dale has escape from the Lodge. Are she and,potentially,Phillip
Jeffries(who once again is mentioned in the series by name) working to
keep the Good Dale a secret because if the FBI know where he is,then
trouble could learn too? Why is there the expectation that they would
ask DIANE about Las Vegas? Granted, she doesn’t type "they haven’t asked
ME yet" so it may be in reference to asking the right questions among
each other about the connections to Las Vegas.Has no one tried to do a
marriage license search for the combined names of Dougie and Janey-E
that were found on the ring inside Major Briggs body? That’s a unique
enough of a name that there are unlikely to be many hits.
Up at the Great Northern Ben Horne is visited by Sheriff Frank Truman.
The key for Agent Coopers old room is on the desk in front of him.
However,Truman is not here about the key.But rather to inform Ben about
his grandson running over the little boy.
Truman also informs Horne about Miriam. She is a lonely nursery school
teacher with NO insurance and desperately needs an operation. Another
comment on taking care of others in need. Ben agrees immediately to
cover the costs.
Richard has been trouble for a long time."That boy has never been
right" Sheriff Harry Truman had run in with him multiple times.Each one
more worse than before.
"For Harry" (darn it, whose chopping onions in here? )
Frank Truman is given the key from Old Coopers room. He remarks of the
coincidence that this key should arrive so close to a time when they
have opened an old case involving Agent Cooper.
little piece of information gets Horne’s attention. He was involved in
some troubling things back during that time 25 years ago.While the
statute of limitations has most likely run out on most of the crimes.And
many of his co-conspirators are long dead or have gone into seclusion,
the revelation to the town would still be ruinous.
Ben Horne makes good on his promise to assist with Miriam’s medical
needs immediately and with compassion.Yet, he struggles to recall her
last name.Amusing,apparently the prop department suffered the same lapse
as they mislabeled the envelope sent by Miriam to the police station,
the one Chad stole, with the wrong last name.This piece of information
was confirmed online.I still like to believe that Miriam mailed her
letter directly to her friend Harry Truman and not to the police station
after they didn’t help her. Meaning that Chad stole the wrong letter
and will be in trouble if his actions are ever discovered.
We learn that Richard never had a father!??! Who IS the father?
Ben recalls a memory of HIS father. Who bought him a second hand
Schwinn and painted it Green ,two tone green. Lime green and deep
forest.Fixed it up and Ben rode it everywhere.It feels as in this moment
Ben is thinking of how important a Father can be to the outcome in a
persons life.And how Richards lack of this influence has resulted in
where he is today.
Interesting to note that he never once reflects on something similar he did or had done for Audrey
Also of interest, Sheriff Truman went to Benjamin to inform him of
Richard's crimes.Why would the Sheriff go to the Grandfather and not the
Mother? Especially since Ben says the boy never had a father.Is the
mother Audrey?Where is she?Is she in a place that can be reached? Would
she have the finances to assist? Ben has money to take care of Miriam,
and Audrey doesnt have her own money.
Oh ,Gordon..You sly dog.He has a guest in his room. Shes very Isabella Rossillini. Speaks french.(that’s the type of girl that makes you want to learn french) Flirts immensely with Gordon as she takes her slow time gathering up her things when asked to leave.In the hallway outside the door, hangs a painting of a waterfall.
Albert has interrupted their private moment .Gordon talks of her and one can not help but think of Lil from Fire Walk With Me and Gordon’s love of Code." Shes here visiting the friend of her mother ,whose daughter has gone missing."
Gordon attempts a joke involving turnips.
Albert stands stone faced through it all.
Albert has intercepted the last text from Diane."What do we know that we haven’t asked her about?" The last time she saw Cooper?
Where's the beef?
Chantel and Hutch are discussing if they have time to torture.Shes hungry for Wendys.Hutch offers alternatives. Shes really hungry .Snacking on cheetos.
The warden pulls up...two hits. Next stop Wendys
Dr Amp does the Vamp.And works himself into a rage.Shovel the shit for sale.NADINE SPEAKS!But then there’s ....Audrey....lovely Audrey.....if life were tawdry and ....oops wrong show.
After much anticipation there stands Audrey.I had half expected for her to be seen in a wheelchair,a result from the explosion at the bank all those years before. My not so secret hope for this new series before it began was to have Audrey pulling into town as an FBI agent. Her entrance twining Agent Coopers from the original pilot of the series. We see Audrey talking to someone on a speaker phone as she passes the Twin Peaks sign.She pulls up to the Great Northern.A close up on her shoes as she begins to slowly step out of her vehicle.She then is assisted into a wheelchair by a doorman and enters the hotel. Audrey would be returning home for her Fathers funeral who had died under mysterious circumstances.And in her time at home she becomes aware of the Bad Dales crimes and dark influence on the town.And eventually finds herself investigating the man from her past who inspired her to be the person she has become today
But that’s not the Audrey we are greeted with. In fact,this is not the Audrey we met 25 years ago. This Audrey is Angry.Cold.Hateful.
The Audrey we met before was a troublemaker,who often got herself into trouble despite even her best intentions.She started as a spoiled brat that was showing a maturity and change towards the end of the second season.Becoming more of a responsible well meaning adult with plans and thoughts for others best interest and not just her own.Now she is more Catherine Martell ,bitter and married for influence and money,not love and taking lovers outside the marriage.
I am not really surprised by this current revelation. Audrey was never naturally good. She was naturally manipulative .Without Agent Coopers influence in her life, she could have just as easily fallen back into old behaviors. Perhaps, Coopers disappearance had this effect on her. Yet another older man she admired who left her suddenly and did not return(John Justice Wheeler )From the moment she appears on screen she is screaming at her husband Charlie.All the while openly talking about the man she's in a relationship with outside of their "marriage".
From their discussion, it seems Charlie and Audrey's relationship is one of convenience and that's about it.Neither even really puts any pretense to pretend otherwise.That said, they are still tied together by law.Could this be the "contract" Charlie peaks of, or is he referencing some other deal between the two that resulted in her hand in marriage.
How did she end up in this marriage of contract to this man? Audrey has always had Daddy issues and she sought the comfort of older men on several occasions.So her "marriage" to this older man does not come at a surprise.
What may very well have happened to her could be a list of things that brought us to the figure in black that stands before us.
1)Could the bank explosion have changed Audrey,damaged her.Physically AND mentally?
2) Could she have become addicted to the pain medication needed to get her through the healing process of being in such an explosion?
3) Could the pain she was going through caused her to have a relapse of sorts and she started using heroin like the time when Renault and Blackie used on her? This addiction costing her everything.Forcing her into a contract with this husband with who she is now wedded?
4)Could Audrey turning her back on her Father and trying to expose his wrong doings to the town of Twin Peaks have forced his hand to cut her off and out of his life? The Secret History of Twin Peaks indicates that she intended to shine a light on her fathers crimes.
5)Might she have entered into a contract with this man to get Richard out of some major trouble?
More pertinent -WHY DOESN’T SHE MOVE?? Audrey doesn't take a single step during this entire heated exchange. Despite the rage in her voice and angry demands she never moves ONCE!?!?
Can she walk? Will we discover in one of the last five episodes that she physically can not walk? She apparently cant drive herself to the Roadhouse because she needs her "husband" to go with her. Does she not know how to drive?What the hell has she been doing these last 25 years that she never learned to drive?
She does make a comment about her husbands having a crystal ball.He tells her he doesn’t have one,when in fact he actually has one on his desk in front of her.
We learn a few things about Audrey’s current situation in their conversation:
1)BILLY is Audrey's lover, he's been missing for two days.
2)TINA may be the last person to have seen him, but Audrey can't stand her.
3)CHARLIE can phone Tina, but she won't talk if HER HUSBAND is around. Charlie doesn't want to bother Tina, but he also doesn't want to go to the Roadhouse.
4)He's also leary because Audrey got this information from CHUCK.
5)Audrey thinks Chuck is certifiable but is willing to trust his story. 6)Charlie doesn't trust Chuck because he took Billy's truck a week ago. Billy reported it and the cops found it later that afternoon.
7)Audrey is Charlie's lawfully wedded wife and he's been good to her, but he won't sign HER PAPERS until his lawyer looks at them.
8)Audrey suggests maybe she should have PAUL come by to give him a visit. 9)Charlie's given up on his contractual rights according to Audrey, she will renege on their contract.
OK, got all that?
Who the fuck are all these people that we are now hearing about for the first time so late in the game ?
1)Billy, who Audrey’s fucking , had a missing truck. We met a "Farmer" in an earlier episode whose truck was stolen by Richard.But according to the story we are hearing it was taken by a CHUCK (could Richard be a alias for Richard,Richard IS certifiable, but than how does this make Richard a Horne if Audrey doesn’t refer to him as her son in any way.Could he be Jerry’s kid)Could this be the same person that Deputy Andy spoke with and made plans to meet near Sparkwood & 21? The one who never showed and was extremely antsy to get Andy away from him.The same one whose door was shown left open with ominous music playing on the soundtrack? Billy’s has been missing for two days.Audrey had a dream where he was bleeding.
2)Tina ?Married to Chuck?or Paul? If Paul is Tinas’ husband, and Tina is cheating with Charlie.Might explain Audrey’s threat of having Paul come visit Charlie.
3)Billy saw Chuck, steal his truck.If we assume that this is the same truck that we saw Richard driving how did Richard get it from Chuck and who returned it?Billy called the sheriff to report the stolen truck but then the truck was found that afternoon.Did the police return it and then question Billy about the hit and run and his trucks possible involvement?Could we be talking about a different truck than before?And this is just another example of the twining of stories in Twin Peaks that work as red herrings?
Charlie relents and calls Tina. What she tells him is UNBELIEVABLE but we don't hear any specific details except that Tina found something and some other slight hints, and Charlie doesn't appear to be sharing with Audrey. This upsets her.
"You're not going to tell me what she said?!!" Audrey screams for herself and the audience.
You can just hear Lynch and Frost,laughing and saying..."that a big NOPE"
Diane, up late and closing down the bar.Shes dressed differently than when we previously saw her in the bar.There ,she was wearing the red outfit from when she was deputized.Now she is wearing a green top.Different day?
Diane enters the coordinates from Rita's arm,speaking "Co ...Or...Di...Nates plus two". She appears to be using a mnemonic device.Most likely a holdover from her time working in the Bureau.
The location comes up Twin Peaks on her phone.As she zooms on on the map, the sound of the man vacuuming in the background begins to become a electronic hum. Diane looks worried.Even frightened.
If the last two digits were unreadable, would the coordinates she enters be correct? Or could the image we were shown be the closest they would take her since she failed to have the correct last two numbers. Since they have suspicions of Diane already, could Albert have altered the photo that Diane saw to catch her in a trap?
Night at the Roadhouse as another episode comes to an end. Chromatics play an instrumental version of a song called "Saturday"
Another pair of ladies drinking (Natalie/Abbie).People cheating on people(Angela/Clark/Mary). People off their meds.A mother who dies in a dramatic fashion. A friend(Trick),almost killed on the road. Out when he shouldn’t be(house arrest?) Who are all these people? Why are we hearing these names with only so few episodes to go? why are we spending time with characters that have just been introduced when there are only 5 episodes left and a whole lot of other stories to be advanced? Are these characters significant to any of the existing storylines?What could these scenes represent? Life as it has gone on in Twin Peaks?Setting up Season four?Are these scenes at the Roadhouse this third seasons version of Invitation to Love?
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