Monday, August 28, 2017

No Knock,No Doorbell

All Praises to the Lynch! Hallelujah 
Episode 16
                Only one more week to the end. I am not ready for this show to go.What Mark Frost and David Lynch have created with this show is pure art.I know it has to end or it would easily degrade into disappointment. Much like parts of season two of the original run.Eventually, these artists would lose control of the brush.
Would someone please manufacture a fourth season of this show?

We begin on a dark road.
             Driving with Daddy. Richard and the Bad Dale ease on down the road. Destination unknown.Nothing plays on the radio.They move in silence.
             I am in love with the opening soundtrack piece. Is this another one of David Lynch’s extreme slowing down of a familiar song that has been so prevalent throughout this season? I hope this piece is on the soundtrack to be released next month.
Long dirt back road in the middle of nowhere.
             Are they at one of the coordinates already? 3 People have given him coordinates to this place.Two of them matched.Who are the three? Ray?Jeffries?.....Diane?
Who do we know that have seen a coordinates in question? Hastings secretary.Ruth(he could have gotten them from her dead body if he killed her).Ray.Albert.Gordon.Tammy.Diane.
            A large rock sits atop a hill in an empty field.
           From out of the dark comes a running Jerry.How long has he been running?And did his “not” foot take him in this direction?Are we still near Twin Peaks?Have these two been driving all night to get here or are we onto the next day?
           He attempts to see what has most likely been the first people he has come across since getting lost in the woods by using his (bad ,bad!) binoculars.....backwards.
          “Dear God.” Has he lost his mind?Is he just realizing how fried he is?Did he mix his stuff with Sparkle?

Bad Binoculars ..bad bad bad

He watches as the Bad Dale sends Richard running up that hill to make a deal with the Black Lodge gods to the magic spot.As Richard steps on the exact locations ....he is suddenly electrocuted alive by unseen forces.They sizzlean his horrible self till he simply explodes into nothing. The last remnants of his sparking head bouncing down the rock as he becomes nothing.
         So what does this say about the two people who gave him the same coordinates.Who were they and did they know that this would be the end result?Were they trying to send the Bad Dale to his death?

Need a little ...OOOOOH Shock Treatment!

Or was one given with intent to help the Bad Dale ,but the person providing did not know the outcome?

The Bad Dale says "Goodbye,my Son". Is this just a farewell phrase? or does this finally confirm he really is the Richards father,an act that had to be the result of rape of a comatose Audrey.

Catch you with my death that bag ...smiling?

The Bad Dale sends a text before departing ":-)All" . Its 2:05 am
I think of the poem Mike said about his old pal :He is BOB,eager for fun,he wears a smile.......everybody run."

Las Vegas
Hutch and Chantal pull up and prepare to go to work.
         They are outside the Jones'. The Las Vegas FBI pull up and ring and knock on the door.No Answer. The Good Dale and Janey-E must be at the hospital.They leave Wilson to stake out the house.

            At the hospital,The Good Dale is in a coma.Vital signs are strong.The Mitchum brothers arrive with flowers...and finger sandwiches.The Mitchum brothers have brought food,because who wants to eat hospital food.They also ask to borrow Janey-Es house key as they wish to stock the house up with food as well.

             Two things come to mind. 1) Once again, the presence of the Good Dale seems to bring out the best behavior in others. 2) These will be yet another interruption for Hutch and Chantal.Could all this activity scare them off? Or might they decide to take on one of these folks for a little torture time to get them to say where their target is hiding? And are we sure their target is "Dougie" not Janey-E?

                Gordon stands in their situation room.The beep that we heard on the Good Dales heart meter can be heard beeping in the background of this scene as well. Gordon is listening to something.Has he just been given a piece of information an is pondering the outcome?
Back in Las Vegas
                Sonny Jim has to use the little boys room.While they leave the room,Bushnell receives a call from Phil at the Lucky 7 insurance office. The FBI have just been there looking for "Dougie" and are now on their way to the hospital.
              Outside the Jones' now sits Hutch and Chantal in their van and down the street, the FBI in their SUV.Forces are coming together.For what could be an epic shootout.

                  Then moments later,up pull the Mitchum Brothers with their "circus parade " of supplies. Hutch asks if one of those men is "Dougie" .An agitated Chantal says do any of them look like our boss?" So it would appear that "Dougie" is indeed the target.
                 Chantal is on her last bag of Cheetos.And not dealing with it well.
                 Up pulls a Polish man in a car ,emblazoned with Zawaski Accounting ,right in front of their van. He tells them they are in front of his driveway and Hutch and Chantal tell him to fuck off.  He tells them "he move car" and gets back in his own vehicle which he then slams into their van and begins to push them out of the way. Burning rubber.
                 After a minute of this,Chantal moves to the front seat, pulls out her gun and shoots the driver. Appearing to hit him in the arm.He gets out of his car and moves to the back of the vehicle and opens the trunk.He pulls out his own gun and shoots her in the arm as well. Chantal slams into the mans car and pulls away.But as she does, he unloads his gun into the van. Hitting Chantal and Hutch several times.He then reloads and unloads another clip into the van,killing Hutch.

The FBI watch all this ,not interfering, gobsmacked as the bullet ridden van rolls on by slowly.

What the fuck kind of neighborhood is this?

                 The Mitchum Brothers come out of the Jones,guns in hand "What the fuck kind of neighborhood is this?" Apparently a stressful one.
                As the van rolls to a stop, the FBI step out of their vehicle and tell the accountant to drop his gun and put his hands up.

                 That takes care of the Chantal/Hutch assassination threat. Now no one is out to end "Douglas Jones" .Janey-E and Sonny Jim are safe. The Luck of the Cooper .

            The strange humming noise from the Great Northern can suddenly be heard.It draws Bushnell’s attention as he searches for its source and steps out of the "Dougies" room.
Mike appears,standing in the Red Room .
He pulls the tubes out of his mouth. Mike says "You are awake"
let me repeat that ......

"100 percent" he replies

                   Mike:(and every one of us watching in unison) says : Finally
Mike tells Dale Cooper that "The Other One" did not come back and is still out there. He present Cooper with the Owl Cave ring

                  Cooper then ask,insistently" Do you have the seed?"
Mike presents the seed,a golden sphere, but does not hand over. Cooper pulls some hairs out from the back of his head and says " I need you to make another one.". Will this be a replacement "Dougie" for when he leaves LasVegas?Does Cooper know he is not coming all, after this and wants something to exist to care for Janey-e and Sonny Jim?
Mike"I understand"
Mike fades away.
           Janey-E and Sonny Jim return to the room, surprised to see "Dougie" sitting upright. Cooper hugs Sonny Jim and tells Janey-E to get a doctor.Things start moving at a quicker pace, reflecting the alertness of Cooper
           The Doctor arrives and after a quick appraisal of Coopers vitals agrees that he can leave immediately. Cooper instructs Janey-E to get the car and pull it out front. As she does , both she and Sonny comment on how "Dougie” is sure talking a lot"
           Once they have left and he is dressed, Cooper asks for for the gun that Bushnell keeps under his arm.Cooper is really woke 100%. His powers of observation are working in full force. He ask for Bushnell to call the Mitchum Brothers. They quickly get on the line and Cooper tells the Brothers that he is bringing Janey-E and Sonny to the casino and that he is in need of a plane ride to Spokane Washington.
           The Twin Peaks theme kicks in......COOPER IS RETURNING TO TWIN PEAKS!!! (let the tears of happiness flow.This moment is so beautiful)

                   Cooper hands Bushnell a message for Gordon Cole who he anticipates calling the hospital.What might the note say? "Off to Twin Peaks.Back in 25" ? "I'm at the Sheriff's Station"?
              Being Cooper, he shakes Bushnell hand and says" You're a fine man, I will not soon forget your kindness and decency" This is such a Dale Cooper thing for him to say.
                  As he walks out the hospital room door, Bushnell calls out "What about the FBI?"

"I AM THE FBI"Cooper replies.
            If Cooper had given the thumbs up, I think I might have been reduced to a blubbering mess.This moment was perfect.Epic.The music, the return,the energy of the story moving forward.
           Cooper comes out of the hospital gets in the drivers seat ,much to the surprise of both Janey-E and Sonny Jim.They have not seen “Dougie” move talk ,let alone drive like this in some time now.As Cooper takes the wheel and heads to the casino, the FBI pulls up.

                Diane sits in the hotel bar. She receives a text and checks her phone.The message she sees is from the Bad Dale. It hits her like a punch.
                She was not expecting this? This signal that he is still alive? Or is it something else?Could this have been a trigger.A signal to her subconscious that awakes a sleeper agent.
               Shuddering, she says to herself "Oh, Coop. I remember." and enters in a sequence of numbers 48551420117163956

" I hope this works" Hits send .

               Might this be Diane, as a fourth person, sending the Bad Dale the correct coordinates? We never saw her send the Bad Dale a set of coordinates before,nor heard Albert say he caught her sending the information.Granted we are not shown every second of their lives and it just needed to be established that Diane was sending communications to someone. It was never clearly established that she was sending the responses TO the Bad Dale.Just that she was being sent the communications that the Bad Dale had been shown sending. They could have been forwarded to her via someone else.Though,what we learn next seems to indicate hard that Diane has been working with the Bad Dale for some time.
               She steadies herself and with a determined ,but slow pace,makes to the elevator
               We see that Diane is armed.
               The slowed down American woman last heard when we first saw The Bad Dale enter into the story plays on the soundtrack.
"I know my worth and who I am
Mister, if your hard up,
I can spare a few grand"
Hell will freeze over
and Ill be damned
Before I take orders
From any ol' man
Do I look like......

An American Woman

                  Diane stops in front of one of the hotel room doors at the end of a hall.
From inside ,before she knocks , Gordon says "Come in Diane"
"You asked me about the night that Cooper came to visit me" She says.
                 I NEVER thought we would hear about this event. I was sure it would have remained one of those unresolved mysteries.Throughout her story, every movement towards her purse has an air of dread that she will pull that gun out and use it on her self or someone else.She begins:
“3,maybe 4 years after I had stopped hearing from Cooper.
I was still working at the Bureau
One night, no knock ,no doorbell he just walked in
I was standing in my living room
(exhales soflty,remembering)
Oh, I was so happy to see him
I held him so close
and we sat on my sofa
started talking
I just wanted to hear everything
about where he'd been and what he'd been doing
(she exhales sharply and puts her hands up to her neck)
HE only wanted to know about what had been going on at the Bureau
It felt like he was grilling me
But, I told myself he was just excited to hear about bureau news
And then he leaned in

....he leaned in to kiss me
It only happened once before,
But as soon as his lips touched mine, something went wrong
And I felt afraid
And he saw the fear in me
HE smiled
And his face ..(she makes a hand movement to indicate there was a change.We know what she saw in that moment.Few can see him.The Gifted...and the Damned)
...and that’s when it started

 Afterward , he took me somewhere ...somewhere like an old gas station
(Diane looks at the text message again, it appears to spark another memory,like before)
I'm in the sheriffs station
I sent him those coordinates
I’m in the sheriff's station because I'm not me...I'm not me ....

(It sounded a bit to me like she was actually saying “I’m not A me” as in I’m not a person.I’m not real.)
*sobbing and in some internal struggle* Diane reaches into her purse and goes for the gun.
Anticipating this, Albert has already gone for his.As Diane pulls out the gun as if to shoot Gordon, she is shot by both Albert and Tammy.

                      But then suddenly in a rush ,Diane’s body thrusts forward as it disappears,expelled from the room and reality.We hear her scream in the distance.
                Diane is not Diane.She was manufactured?! But this manufactured version still recalls who she used to be? in this moment? Was that what struck her-the memories.Like when BOB left Leland.All at once.She recalls who she is,what she is,and what she must do.Did the Bad Dale lace her manufactured memories with the order to kill so that when she remembered what she was she couldn’t deny what she was made to do?Did that text from the Bad Dale wake the sleeper agent in Diane and send her on the order to kill Gordon?Or any of the FBI close to catching up with the Bad Dale? We know that the Lodge residents like BOB can make individuals forget things.Especially if they had been inside them.
               How does she hope to help Cooper by sending those numbers, the correct coordinates?Does she think by sending the Bad Dale to this moment could be what brings him to an end?Since so many people know the Bad Dale is heading in that direction.
She's in a sheriffs station? Could this mean, that the real Diane is inside Naido?is Naido?......D..I...A...N...O.....and Naido was her name-O?
              Could this possibly mean Diane is the infamous Judy?The Bad Dale HAS met her.
Or could Naido be ALL of the missing women of Twin Peaks.Parts Judy,Diane,...Laura?
If "Diane" senses that she is in a sheriffs station, does this mean that manufactured versions can sense where their counterparts are in the world? Or is there something else at hand, the Woodsmen/Lodge residents use the convenience there a white lodge equivalent that is a sheriffs station. We already have a Fireman who could put out black flame.Why not a Sheriffs station full of spirits that restore order?
How many more in this town have been manufactured?
Gordon is nonplussed.Tammy makes a pronouncement-That was a real tulpa
Diane is shown sitting in the red room.Mike declares:Someone manufactured you.

Diane says: I know.......Fuck you

               She then is un-manufactured. A golden seed emerges from the hole that appears in her head. She vibrates with energy and black smoke, then dissolves.There is a spark of electricity and then nothing is left but white smoke and the seed on the seat of the chair.

Just like the manufactured Dougie before.

                    I am suddenly reminded of something from last episode."My Log is turning GOLD" Could this be a reference to the manufacturing seed we have seem several times? Was the Log manufactured for the Log Lady?
                 This Diane was manufactured to do bad.But this raises the question.Where is Diane?Is she locked in a hotel room at the Dutchman? Did the Woodsmen kill her in the manufacturing process?If what we have seen earlier in this episode, the original does not have to be destroyed to manufacture a copy.Cooper is alive, and was able to request a duplicate with just a lock of his hair(presumably with the roots intact) Her manufactured self says "I am at the Sheriffs station" Is this a reference to Naido? Could Naido be the key to the return of all those that have been lost?
Las Vegas.
                At the casino, Cooper pulls Janey-E and Sonny Jim aside to explain what he has to do.Even the Mitchum brothers comment on the assurance with which "Dougie" now speaks.
Cooper says : I have to go away for awhile. But I wanted to tell you how much Ive enjoyed spending time with both of you.You've made my heart so full."
              They indeed have.Coopers heart and self is back inside him. And it is thanks to their love and compassion and caring for him in his troubled state of mind.
               Cooper continues " We're a family.Dougie,(he stops himself,they dont know what has happened and don’t need to be troubled with this version of reality) I mean ..I ....will be back
But Janey-E suddenly realizes " You're not Dougie?"
Sonny Jim begins to cry" You not my Dad?...You are my Dad "
Cooper stops him" I AM your ,Dad, and I love you both."
                  There is pain in Coopers eyes as he says this.I don't think he likes lying to these two,even in this moment.That he understands the pain and confusion that he is causing this young boy and he can't do anything about it.
He embraces them both

                            Cooper tells them he has to go ...."You'll see me soon.I'll walk through that red door and I will be home for good."
Cooper gets up and walks away.
Janey-E chases after him,turning him around. softly pleading" Don't Go"
Cooper tells her " I have to go"
She looks into his eyes. Who is this magic man?
She kisses him
"Whoever you are. Thank you." she says.

                  I am glad that both Sonny Jim and Janey-E are alive.From the beginning I feared that something bad would happen to one, or both.That this pain would have been the act to have woken Cooper. That by being so close to The Good Dale, who was being hunted by many ,they would have been collateral damage.
                  But despite the endless possibilities for pain,they saw nothing but pleasure.Good luck abounded in this short time that the Good Dale was in their presence.And though ,Cooper is now leaving them for an uncertain future, they are not completely lost. If Mike comes through, a version of Cooper/Dougie WILL walk through that red door and return home. While this may very well be the last time we see them, their story is not over.
                  In the limo, Cooper is enjoying a cup of coffee.Cooper tells him his story,all 25 years of it. The Mitchum brothers tell Cooper that ,though he needs to get to a sheriffs station in Twin Peaks, they would not be welcome in such a place.
                  Cooper,stating observations as only Cooper can, tells them that he has himself seen that they both have hearts of gold. Seeing the best in people ,as always.
             Edward Lewis Severson is tonight’s musical guest.It’s actually Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder on acoustic guitar singing a song titled "Out of Sand" Indeed. with only one two hour episode left to go.We are all out of time.(oh,wait, that’s an REM album)
And finally, Audrey and her "husband" Charlie enter the Roadhouse.
               She's looking around the bar in all directions.For Billy.
They both take a seat at the bar.He orders two martin's and proposes a toast
"To us”
She counters with "To Billy"
From the stage the MC announces :Ladies and Gentlemen.....Audrey's Dance"
             In an instant....the entire patrons of the bar vacate the dance floor and step to the sides.
A moment passes....and then "Audrey's Dance" by Angelo Badalamenti begins
            Audrey closes her eyes , slips into a trance and slides onto the dance floor .She begins to dance as we seen her do many times before.

My thoughts in this moment: "I only want to one time see you laughing ....I only wanted to see you laughing in the purple rain

She dances alone in the middle of the floor while the bar watches.Sways behind her.
Suddenly ,this strange moment of peace in her head is shattered by someone shouting from off screen at another across the bar. A husband has caught his wife cheating.A fight breaks out.

Audrey runs to Charlie and pleads to him.."Get me out of here"

There is a cut to Audrey.In a white room.Staring into her reflection in a mirror.Like us, she too is surprised by this and reacts,echoing the audiences response :"What?"

Cut to black.
Next week is the final part of this epic show.
So many mysteries remain.
The Coordinates?
                Why does the Bad Dale want the correct ones?What or who does he hope to find at that point?Mother of Abomination?Judy?Naido?
Who were the three to provide him with these numbers?
                 Ray, we saw give him a slip of paper with the coordinates on them.Its likely these were the ones that led to Richards shocking moment. Ray could have tampered with them, but I imagine that who ever is working to stop the Bad Dale would have provided coordinates that lead to the shocking end.
                Phillip Jeffries? These too, were likely to have sent the Bad Dale to the bad spot.
But who was the third?
                   Diane? we never saw her send the coordinates before,nor heard Albert inform Gordon that she had done so.She sends her set of numbers to the Bad Dale immediately AFTER the “Surprise,I’m alive” message.Did she do this because she knows she is being monitored?That Albert will catch them and communicate them to Gordon.And in this moment she suddenly remembers everything about who or what she really is and she wants to make sure the FBI gets to the right place to stop the Bad Dale because she wont exist much longer? If she is just now sending the Bad Dale the correct coordinates than might she have sent wrong the ones before?Intentionally, or accidentally? Then that could make her and Phillip who gave the Bad Dale the same coordinates.Both being individuals who posses Lodge knowledge, they would be likely to have access to this information over someone like Ray who is just a hired trucker thug. Rays numbers came from Hastings secretary.But we do not know where the secretary obtained them. Albert,Gordon and Diane get their numbers from Ruth’s arm.
                 Phillip has access to Lodge knowledge and could know of all entry and energy points, but his overall motivation is unknown.It is still unclear if he was the one the Bad Dale spoke with earlier in the show. That Phillip,made have been Gerard.BOBs former partner in crime.Phillip is a former FBI agent who went missing in his pursuit of Lodge knowledge.He is now kept safely hidden away and/or potentially working with the Woodsmen.He has possibly evolved into some Lodge world object of power.What purpose would he have to help or hinder the Bad Dales quest if he, himself ,has joined forces with these same dark spirits that have assisted the Bad Dale in his activities over the last 25 years? The Bad Dale has been breaking the laws of Lodge land for years, wouldn't Philip be concerned that one day the Bad Dale would come to end him?And therefore wish to remove him as a threat.
              Who could be the third? And in what combination were the providers of the bad vs good coordinates?

The Frog Moth?
           Who was the little girl it crawled into? This seed of evil birthed a monstrosity that then invaded a little girl.Have we seen this little girl as an adult anywhere in the history of the series? She was not given a name in the credits .Something that has been done to hide reveals in later episodes.Will we learn more of her fate and what that creature inside her did to or made her do?

Who is Judy?
           And ....Why does the Bad Dale seek her after all this time?Could there be a possibility that Judy is......Major Garland Briggs?.......Judy...Judy Garland...Garland Briggs....Judy is a code name? Lynch is known for having a special place in his art for The Wizard of Oz. What a better way to hide who is the person behind the code name than to choose a name that reverses the gender. Jeffries spoke of Judy, maybe Phillip saw Briggs “hibernating” on the other side after he found the owl cave ring and saw the convenience store meeting?

Who is Linda?
           Two Birds ,one stone. Richard was killed while standing on a stone.Could this relate to Linda’s arrival?Or could it have meant all along that two little birds were born from one stone, one Bad Dale? The rape of Audrey....and the rape of Diane.
            Could this be another child of the Bad Dale? Could it be a child from the rape of Diane by the Bad Dale? Diane most likely left the FBI after this incident.Diane could have carried the child to term and given it up for adoption, not wanting to live with the result of her rape.Not wanting to have to face this hard memory of Cooper every day after. Its unlikely that this is the case,though, as right after the rape ,the Bad Dale took Diane to the convenience store to be manufactured by the Woodsmen.So who is Linda?An as yet unknown lady who could be a new version of Laura?This time as a red head? A manufactured version?
Where is Diane?
           If the one we have been with has been a manufactured version of her , one that is made to serve the Bad Dale, where is the original? Is she still alive? Locked in the lodge?In a room in the Dutchman?Inside someone? In Naido? She says she is in a sheriffs station. Is she inside something in the sheriffs station?(Like Josie in the doorknob). Could these strange Lodge spirits have placed her inside Agent Coopers old tape recorder ,which may be now sitting in a evidence locker in Twin Peaks?

Where is Laura?
             Laura is the one.Where is she in all this? For a character that was so central to so much of the original series (despite being a corpse) and the driving force behind the events of the movie Fire Walk With Me, she hasn’t been a huge part of this story.Her diary pages were found, but they only seemed to be of use to confirm the existence of Two Coopers.There was nothing new inside them that was a surprise to the faithful viewer. The golden orb spirit full of Laura is shown being sent down to earth after the birth of the abominations, but so far has not been shown again. Was it simply sent down to battle BOB in the version of the story we have already witnessed in FWWM and her Secret Diary?
            A moth frog in the ointment of this thought is that Leland was possessed by BOB during the time Laura was born till her death.So BOB could have been the father of Laura. He could have been in control of Leland at the moment of conception.Is this why her naturally golden spirit was also prone to do bad things? to hurt others who loved her?That she was, despite her being sent to destroy him, part BOB?
             Leland's Doppelganger asked for Cooper to "Find Laura".Where has she gone?Shes dead , yet she lives?Has she been manufactured into a new version?Linda? Is she inside her Mother,protecting her from men who try to do Sarah harm? Or was that the Mother of Abomination inside Sarah?
 I've said it many times before.......       
Still holding out hope that the end of the show will be Cooper actively choosing to return to the Red Room .After all it did to him . In aid of finding Laura.Showing Laura her missing Angel.Freeing her tortured soul.Ending the series like the ending of Fire Walk With Me.
               With one last stop at the Roadhouse where Julee Cruise sings "Falling"

What happened to Sarah?
           HOW did she end up with that darkness inside her?Sure, she has had a tragic story.And her pain must be exquisite Garmonbozia to enjoy. But did this become her fate?

Where is Audrey?!!
           It would appear that she is in a hospital.We glimpse her in closeup.Yet it appears that she is wearing a hospital gown.And in this final moment she has woken up in the hospital.
Finally seeing herself? Or is this just another one of her episodes.How often could this happen?How long does she stay inside this dream?
            It is of note that this episode has several moments of individuals waking from their fantasy or dream. Cooper, of course.Janey-E from her Dougie dream life.Audrey from.......
...but waking up from where? A coma? Unlikely,that she has been in a coma all this time.How could she have shown Richard the photo of Cooper. Perhaps waking from her mental break?
              Could she have woken up in the moment during the Bad Dales rape of her in the hospital.The one that resulted in the conception of Richard Horne?This would have shattered her already bruised mind.The result of the bank explosion would have done a lot of damage to her mental stability already .Add to that ,waking up during the most violent betrayal from the man she loved and admired and she has most likely escaped into a fantasy from time to time to ignore the anguish and pain.
Interesting to observe that this fantasy even has some slices of reality interwoven into the dream.She lived inside a dream.How often was she inside?
              Who raised Richard if Audrey had been in the hospital all this time? Benjamin Horne probably didn’t have too much of a hand in raising Richard.HE even said , the boy never had a father.Benjamin was not even that good of a father to Audrey. Audrey’s mother would have had her hands full with Johnny. Could Audrey have tried to raise the boy, but with Richards own mental issues, did this drive her into the hospital?

How’s Annie?
            Wheres Annie? Is Annie?She has not been removed completely from the story. Her name is mentioned only briefly by Hawk in connection with Cooper and the Lodge.But that is it. No account of her whereabouts.No questions from others who were not aware of the situation. Even Norma doesn’t directly speak of her sister. When questioned about her previously indicating that she didn’t have any family to Walter .She replies that she does. Could Annie be in the same place as Audrey?

The Secret History of Twin Peaks:
             There has still been no concrete hint as to why details in the book fail to match known facts from the series.While there were obvious errors of time ,place ,and people. Will there be a reveal in the last episode? Will we see the crime scene where it is found?Will it tie into the manufacturing of people in this town? Manufactured memories?
             There is a second book due to be released months after the final episode. If the show doesn’t provide an answer, perhaps this tome will.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

There's Some Fear In Letting Go

Like the fear I feel for the end of this series. I don't want it to go away.
Twin Peaks

                  Nadine and her Golden shovel are out for a mid morning stroll.
             She walks up to Big Ed's Gas Farm.For the briefest moment I imagine she is going to cold-cock Ed for still pining for Norma. Rather she has come to tell Ed that she has been a selfish,manipulative,jealous, bitch to him all these years and he has been a saint.
I love these moments in the new show where we get a glimpse into the lives of favorite characters.Hints and details as to what has happened to them over the last 25 years. It seemed like the two of them may have been separated ,but not divorced.Or maybe they were still together,but both spent late nights at work to avoid each other at home.
             Norma seemed to have no time for herself.Always stuck at her diner doing paperwork.Garnering some success from the franchising of the Double R.I'm a little surprised that they hadn’t used one of these franchise outlets in Las Vegas.Having it be a place that the Good Dale would come across and make Janey-E take him inside. Wherein he would have one of the famous Double R cherry pies.Saying "Damn good pie". And while we as an audience crept closer to the television screen and watched in anticipation of his first bite.Hoping for the potential reawakening from the explosion of flavor.But nothing would happen because, as we learn later, the franchise R's are not using the same ingredients as the ones Norma bakes.
             Nadine seemed to have found some success by opening her own silent drape runner store.As well as some happiness in her evening viewings of Dr Amp.There is even the potential hint of a budding relationship between her and Dr. Jacoby.A man who still recalls the last time he saw this woman years ago.Could he be smitten as well?
             Nadine’s knows that Ed and Norma love each other.She says that she knows she guilt him to stay and that he did. He gave up his love for her. But now, she wants him to be free.
Ed tells Nadine that shes going to feel different about the things she is saying tomorrow.Something that has likely to have happened repeatedly over the years.Nadine has rarely been shown to be emotionally stable before. But she tells him she walked all this way, and never once turned around. "GO ,be free and enjoy." Gives him a hug and walks off
              As she does,Big Ed is overcome with some big tears. Does his heart feel free in this moment.Free to love Norma fully,guilt free, or could part of him actually have true love feelings for Nadine?Could he be feeling conflicted as to knowing from experience that tomorrow ,Nadine will be digging another tune. Or worse, could this moment of joy finally come to Big Eds life only at the same moment that Norma has moved on and is seeing another? That is the luck of love in Twin Peaks .
            We cut to the Double R. "Ive been loving you.....too long" by Otis Redding plays on the radio. Big ED pulls up and gets out of his car.I honestly was cheering at this moment.I wanted to see Big Ed walk into that Double R.Go to Norma’s table and hold out his hand for Norma to take, and when she does he pulls her up and then lifts her into his arms .Asking Norma to marry him.
            Ed dusts himself off and steps inside.Waving to Norma at the back of the restaurant like an elated schoolboy seeing his crush across the room.He goes to Norma to tell her he is free....only to be kicked in the stomach by the news that "Walter is here" He's sent her flowers.And she walks away from him to join Walter at her table.
           Big Ed puts his hand on the counter for support.Deflated in what should have been a redefining moment for his life.
          He orders a cup of coffee and under his breath,a cyanide tablet.

                  In this moment,He is crushed..... He closes his eyes and begins to meditate.Might he be saying The Platters "My Prayer" to himself,as heard in Episode 8?
I loved how the song in his heart never left during this scene...even though Big Ed thought he had lost her after finally reaching a point in his life where he could honestly be hers.
                 It is interesting to note that in this important moment between Big Ed and Norma, Big Ed does not behave in a jealous manner, he does not say anything to Norma that could be seen as manipulation or giving an ultimatum,and he certainly doesn’t behave in a selfish manner as he lets her walk away from him without question.
                The scene cuts from Big Ed back to Norma. The song that plays over Big Ed, pauses on a single note that holds in the background of the Norma scenes.....until that wonderful moment when her hand touches his shoulder and they share the song together.

                     Norma tells her partner Walter she wants to exercise her option for him to buy her out of the business. Norma says she wants to take care of her family.To which Walter replies that he thought she didn’t have any family. An indication to what we read in the Secret History of Twin Peaks. Which changed Norma’s known past, parents and present family history. Norma does reply to this that she has a wonderful family. This could easily refer to Shelly and the rest of the Double R gang. But what of her Mother?What of Annie?Annie has only been mentioned once in this series, so she has not been retroactively removed from the family line.Though, at that one point no one says she is related to Norma.
                   She wants to spend more time at home.Every moment we have seen her in this series has been at the diner.Most often,doing paperwork.In the original series, she was rarely seen outside of the diner.And never once shown at home.
                  As Norma’s hand is placed on his shoulder. A small smile can be seen in the corner of Big Eds mouth.He has been waiting a lifetime for this moment.

                  Ed turns around and in a quiet voice asks Norma" Marry me" She answers with a kiss "Of course I will".This has been one of the most satisfying moments in a show that has provided more than one could have ever hoped.While the thought that for the past 25 plus years the two of them have had to restrain their feelings and put their lives together on hold is sad to think upon, it is gratifying for their moment to finally come.Its all the more pleasing that Nadine has found happiness in her own way as well.

                 With a smile on her face and a tear in her eye,Shelly watches this from the end of the counter,much like she has for the past 25 years. As Norma and Ed continue to kiss the song soars high to the heavens.
Night falls.
                Black and white shot, moving down roadside electrical wires.Similar to what was seen by Andy in the last episode during the Fireman's presentation. The crackle and spark noise can be heard. We see the Bad Dale trucking down the road.He has places to not be,coordinates to investigate, and people to kill. Is the electricity following him?Or is he following it?Or is he connected to it,his presence effecting the electricity like the reaching arm of a bumper car?

                 The Bad Dale drives in silence.No song in his heart or on his radio.He pulls up to the "convenience store" that we saw in episode 8.The building sits alone in the woods. A figure that looks like a Woodsman stands outside as he pulls in to a stop. How does the Bad Dale know of such a place?Where did he first learn of its existence?Is BOB still with him and giving him directions?The Bad Dale is the Doppelganger of Agent Cooper who was only learning that such a other world existed at the time he entered the Lodge.Does being a resident of the Lodge give one awareness to these entry points?Does this entry point always exist for those in the know or does it appear as needed?It's awfully convenient that the convenience store would be available so close to where the Bad Dale is currently in this story.
                 Woodsmen:I would love to be able to read a list of their rituals. What they do/purpose/intentions/desires. Why always filthy? Playing with electricity.Guiding others.What they did with BOB?And Why

                  He and the Woodsman exchange no words just approach the stairs to the side of the building.Did they know he was coming? As they ascend to the top there is a crackle of electricity as their forms begin to fade in and out of existence.
                 We move through space and woods. The Bad Dale emerges into the room that looks like the Tremond photo last seen on Laura Palmer’s wall in Fire Walk With Me . A Woodsman sits in a chair in the corner next to a doorway and some type of equipment that looks like the back side of a television with it's back cover removed and a record player inside. A Bouncer? Only certain types are allowed into these meetings.

                 The "wallpaper" pattern that is seen on the wall , is also on the ceiling. Tears in the fabric can be seen all over.The Woodsmen ARE a disruptive bunch whose actions have been shown to destroy.
                 The Bad Dale approaches and says" I'm looking for Phillip Jeffries." Take me to your leader? If the Bad Dale was unsure of Jeffries whereabouts , how do the Woodsmen know?

                  The seated Woodsman , who appears to have blood dripping down from his mouth and down the front of his shirt,reaches to the device next to him and pulls a switch. Flash of light.

In the sudden disruption we see a shot of the white masked Jumping man in the red suit as seen in FWWM above the convenience store scene.

                  The energy shakes.In this shimmer we briefly see the face of Sarah Palmer. We have seen with our own eyes that Sarah Palmer is not herself theses days. Does this flash of her face mean to indicate she could be here now.Could Sarah's spirit be trapped in this other void while the Mother of Abomination fills her shell of a body?How might the Woodsmen and the Jumping Man be involved in Sarah's predicament?

                   In Fire Walk With Me, the young mask wearing Tremond boy was seen jumping in the parking lot of the real life counterpart to the hotel we seen later in this sequence.Random thought: I wonder if the Tremond boy with his white mask and jumping was mimicking the Jumping Man with his actual white face and pointed nose,copying what he sees every day like a child is wont to do?What magic could the Jumping Man perform?Is he a court jester?

The seated Woodsman pulls the switch again,possibly turns a crank.Stops the boat.A second woodsman appears from the shadows at the door and beckons the Bad Dale to follow.

                      Again the sensation of moving through time and space in the woods as they both walk down a hallway towards another door in the distance.
They emerge next to the stairwell that Gordon Cole saw when he almost crossed over.
The Bad Dale climbs the stairs,enters an opening at the top and then walks through another door.He emerges into the parking lot of a motel at night. It looks like the Red Diamond motel where Leland almost met his daughter Laura, Ronette, and Theresa for a wild time in Room 6.

Is this the Dutchman?
More Woodsmen await.
The Bad Dale approaches a door numbered 8 in the corner of the lot.It's locked.

                    A woman,played by a man, in a filthy robe and nightgown approaches and says in Lodge backward speak "
"I'll unlock the door for you."
                   If Phillip Jeffries is here, why is he kept locked in a hotel room on the other side of the other side?
                  The denizens of the Lodge world are an intriguing bunch. We know little of their motivations or big picture plans.Some seem to be conducting experiments of evil.Some appear to be occasionally aiding or attempting to prevent terrible things from happening on our side.I say appear, as they could very well be assisting in moving pawns into place to be taken under the guise of offering a helping hand.But not all of them speak backwards.Most rarely speak.There was a Lodge meeting above the convenience store shown in FWWM, attended by all sorts of residents of this side of the coin, as described by Phillip Jeffries. It would appear ,from the limited dialogue we are shared, that they are working together for a mutual goal.Or at the very least,are beholden to certain rules when you are part of this dark club.
                  The Woodsman have only had one of their kind speak.And he repeated the same lines over and over.These lines were spoken forward.Could the limited vocabulary have been a concentrated effort on the Woodsman’s part to speak forward when its natural inclination is in reverse?
The Fireman,Mike,BOB,the Evolution of the Arm,and only yrev briefly,The Bad Dale have spoken backwards.
                   Curious,that this key holder speaks backwards in this place while the Bad Dale or anyone else doesn't. Is backwards speak part of the person or connected to where the individual came into existence?Jeffries doesn’t speak backwards in this sequence ,either.
                   Or is it an effect of the environments time manipulation.This place, though it feels as if it is outside of earthly time and space, moves forward.The time of the Red Curtain Room has a sense of moving forward backwards.Thought: Do Lodge residents who spend their entire existence in a place where time passes in it's own unique way eventually become changed so much that they are moving backwards in time even while living forward? The Good Dale only spent 25 years in that Red Room place, so when he emerged he was only slightly corrupted.The Bad Dale only existed for an even shorter time before trapping the Good Dale and escaping the Lodge with his good buddy BOB.
                  This hotel area appears to share the look of the Convenience store in its own temporary existence.
                  The Bad Dale enters the hotel room. A florescent light flickers on the ceiling. As he stares at a far wall next to a radiator, the wall itself dissolves revealing an adjacent space.

                   Inside there is a one of the bell shaped objects that we have seen in the Fireman’s place.It is emitting smoke/steam.Looking a lot like a teakettle. There is a rhythmic repeating clanking sound of machinery followed by an ominous hum that is reminiscent of slow breathing,Or what one might imagine in an antiquated pump of Mr Frump's iron lung. A circle of smoke,or sphere ,perhaps, sits at the end of the pipe that is emitting the smoke.Is it pumping it into the circle?Is THAT Jeffries, and the bell is keeping him alive?IS Jeffries inside the device? Is Jeffries THE device?Or just communicating through the device? None of his dialogue indicates that he is actually seeing the Bad Dale despite his first line.
                 How did Jeffries end up here? He was an original Blue Rose detective.Did his interest in these strange and occult things, lead him to seek the ultimate knowledge of the place, to become one with it.Resulting in this fate?What fate is this? They turned Bowie into a ....wait for it.....Tin Machine.
                 A quest for forbidden knowledge, for more life and power than any man should possess:now transformed into a machine, hidden away from the world in a lonely motel room in a gloomy limbo.
Fellas....fellas.....don't drink that. You wont believe this .there was a Jeffries in the percolator.

Jeffries: Oh, it's you
Bad Dale"Jeffries"
J"Thank God"
BD:Why did you send Ray to kill me?
J:What?I called Ray
BD:So you did send him.Did you call me five days ago?
J I don't have your number
BD:So it was someone else who called me
J:We used to talk
BD:Yes ,we did.
J:(flashback to FWWM, in a newly dubbed voice he says the line )"well now, I'm not gonna talk about Judy.In fact ,we are not gonna talk about Judy at all.
Few things come to mind:
                  1 } In the same FWWM sequence Gordon Cole, tells Agent Cooper upon Bowie’s entrance " Coop, meet the long lost Phillip Jeffries, you might remember him from the academy" This implies to me that Cooper heard about Phillip during his studies at the academy , but never officially met him. The discussion in a previous episode about Phillip choosing Cooper to be part of the Blue Rose investigation team could be that Jeffries recommended Cooper to Gordon, despite never meeting him personally.So if this was their first time meeting in Philadelphia’s, when did they "used to talk"? Is this Phillip trying to catch the Bad Dale in a lie?
                 2)Does Jeffries share the FWWM flashback memory to Cooper in that moment to remind him of the important detail of Judy? Or do they both collectively visually recall that moment?
                3)Who was the someone else to call the Bad Dale and let him think he was Jeffries? Albert? Philip Gerard?
               4) Phillip doesn't confirm that he was the one to send Ray,just that he "called" Ray.Or was Phillips "I Called Ray" , his admitting that he is responsible for having Ray attempt in taking the Bad Dales life.The sound of the voice doesn’t come across as an admittance.
               5) Speaking of the sound of the voice.....WTF? WHY!?!?! redub Bowies voice? There was no reason to do this.The audio from the FWWM clip was clear enough and they didn’t change the lines, except for one word.That/This.The voice that we hear speaking with the Bad Dale in this sequence wouldn’t have to match the voice in the FWWM clip exactly. It could be as close as possible but its differences could be self explained by the machinery of the moment.Distortion from it being a communication device or a transmogrified person.It's unfortunate that they felt the need to completely overdub the FWWM sequence with the new voice.Especially with David Bowie’s passing. It should have been left untouched in tribute.
                Unless there is a surprise waiting for us, the viewer.It didn’t appear that they overdubbed Bowie’s entire line when we saw the vision via Gordon Coles memory.Just the one word. But now an entire line has been redubbed for this memory. Could it mean more than an attempt to have the old voice match the new one?Is it a subtle hint to reveal that something is not right with this supposed Phillip Jeffries? That he is an imposter?Doppelganger? I'm still holding out hope Lynch managed to get one last David Bowie performance before the end.
BD:1989.You showed up at FBI headquarters in Philadelphia and said you met Judy
J: So you ARE Cooper
                 Who did Jeffries think he was?Is this Phillip addressing that the Bad Dale has inside him the Good Dales memories?That he is not just a Lodge Doppelganger but part of Cooper.Can he see the Bad Dale?I would think one look would be enough to determine that isn’t the Real Cooper.The Bad Dales comment on the 1989 incident is something only a select few are aware that occurred.
BD:Phillip, why didn’t you want to talk about Judy?Who is Judy? Does Judy want something from me?"
J" Why don’t you ask Judy yourself? Let me write it down for ya

              Numbers emerge from the smoke ...48* 55 1 .....smoke signals.Another reference to Native American traditions in the show of Twin Peaks
BD:Who is Judy?
J:You've already met Judy
BD:What do you mean I've met Judy
              I was just struck with a thought . Judy...Judy Garland ...Garland Briggs. David Lynch is known for having a special place in his wild at heart for Wizard of Oz.
Why this sudden discussion of this Judy?Why would the Bad Dale be suddenly concerned with Judy when before he never once spoke of her.He even asks who she is.Why has the Bad Dale been looking for the coordinates for all this time?Even the real Dale Cooper never expressed interest in this Judy in two series or the movie.
              This entire sequence is another one of those Lynch movie conversations that seems like it reveals something, but doesn't really feel like it says anything.Though, this remains to be seen.(One more episode and then a two episode finale to go) The intrigue comes from the unknown. We do not know the details of what they discuss.Or the details of their communications or relationship over the last 25 years.Jeffries tell the Bad Dale where to find Judy.Why?When years before he didn’t want to talk about Judy ,he wanted to keep her out of this.Keep her safe? Like Naido needs to be kept safe?   The Good Dale has met Naido.Maybe when Jeffries says "YOU" have already met Judy he is referring to the Good Dales side of his coin ,crossing her path.Not the Cooper standing before him.
                What is Jeffries purpose? He is known as one of the original investigators of the Blue Rose cases.Over the years he must have discovered many fascinating facts about this other world and it's beginnings.Could Jeffries have been corrupted by the power and draw of the dark side?
I'm suddenly struck with a joke-Do "they" have prince ALBERT in that can?Could this be Albert working with Jeffries from the other side?The pair have communicated in the past. Though, even after 25 years of Albert’s cynicism, I find it kind of hard to believe that he would give up on his rejection of revenge, aggression, and retaliation. "So you are Cooper"-this could be Albert saying aloud that he now realizes this Bad Dale is really Cooper(He doesn’t know about the version that is also currently living as "Dougie".)The whole conversation feels like someone is playing prerecorded messages in response to the Bad Dales questions.
A phone starts ringing .
Bad Dale continues to demand " Who is Judy?" over and over.
Phillips goes back into hiding as the room fades and the wall returns. The Bad Dale goes to answer the phone and there is a flash of electricity.

We are shown the exterior of the Convenience store.Smoke emerges from the front door in electric bursts.The Bad Dale is ejected from upstairs to the phone booth outside in a flash.
.....And waiting for him is Richard Horne, gun drawn.

R: I recognized you back at the farm. You're FBI
BD "How do you figure that?
R:I've seen your picture your fancy FBI suit.
BD:Where did you see that picture?
R:My Mom had it.
BD:Whose your mom?
R:Audrey Horne - (Another mystery, kind of solved)
And your names Cooper.
                 The Bad Dale pulls an old trick and spits on the ground, distracting Richard just enough so that he can take his gun and knock Richard to the ground. The Bad Dale kicks him several times
"Don’t ever threaten me again".....then tells him to get in the truck..."well talk on the way."
Where to now? Back to Twin Peaks? To see dear old Mom?(both:Mother of Abomination and the mother of that abomination that we have grown to knows as Richard)If Richard returns to Twin Peaks with his violent new friend,might his fate meet the fist of Freddie?
                So,if Richard Horne IS the result of the Bad Dale raping Audrey in the hospital while she was in a coma,Could that be part of the reason Audrey appears to have gone off the deep end? There has already been mental instability proven to exist in the Horne gene pool.It could have easily been passed on to her son.Her losing a few of her marbles is not unexpected.Combine that with the bank explosion that would certainly have rattled a few books off the shelves in her brain and waking from a coma to an unexpected pregnancy that would forever challenge and change her life, its even more likely that she has had difficulty managing her stress and sanity over the years.Might she have woken during the act of rape?Thinking that she was having a fantasy of her dear Special Agent, only to discover the real horror of what was happening to her?
                 The idea of Richard Horne may also be this series opposite twin, that often happens in this show ,of the father/son relationship that the Good Dale has with Sonny Jim. The Bad Dales son is violent murderous heartless loser who is bound to be punished while Sonny Jim is a good boy with his whole life ahead of him
                The Bad Dale sends a text message "Las Vegas?" before getting into the truck.
Richard mentioned that he saw a photo of "Cooper" in his "suit" .I think this is a hint of things to come.The mention of The Fine Suit.(This suit Burns better.Burns suit....LOOK AT BURNS SUIT!)

.                   Might the Bad Dale decide to clean up his appearance and slip back into town to check out the coordinates, under the welcoming guise of the Good Agent Cooper? If there were more episodes in the series remaining I could see this a likelihood, but there is too little time left and too many things too occur before the end.Will we have a "who do you think that is there?" moment with the two finely dressed Coopers standing before each other? What kind of electrical explosion will occur when they share the same space?
                    Could this be another indication that this is the episode of the return of Cooper? Season 3 ,episode 15.315. A number that has been shown in connected with Coopers journey. His room key. The exit points from the Lodge. Richard may even have the photo still. Maybe his Mother gave it to him. Telling Richard to find this man. Or that this man is his father.(true or Audrey’s wishful dreaming.Audrey could have shown Richard Cooper's picture ,pretending that the upstanding man in the photo was his father because the real father is nowhere to be found) But the Bad Dale will take the cue from this moment happening, this Richard finding him at this moment after all these years and the mention of Twin Peaks and Audrey. Connecting that to the coordinates that Phillip appeared to share. Or the coordinates from Ray.(Has Diane shared her coordinates?)Will the Bad Dale return to Twin Peaks in search of Naido?Is Naido Judy?
                     The subject of Judy has been complicated over the years by rewrites,cut scenes, and actors behavior disappointing Lynch.Judy was originally going to be the sister of Josie Packard.The Judy character was going to have more of a role in FWWM. But when Joan Chen asked to be written out of the original series, this complicated the reveal that Josie was connected to Jeffries and the earlier Blue Rose doings in the world of Twin Peaks.It would have added another layer to Josie's presence in Twin Peaks all this time. This sudden request/demand to leave the show,(understandable to a degree as she was not given much to do story wise as an actor) resulted in David Lynch severing ties with the actress.The character of Josie was written off the show as requested and turned into a doorknob for a drawer. A not so subtle jab at her.
                    Originally Judy might have been played by Joan Chen,as well. Giving her a new character to play outside the confines of Josie.Allowing for yet another twin in twin peaks. But now, thanks to not being able to cast the same actress, they have taken a new person with a similar build and marred her face so as to disguise the twin aspect.Shenanigans.
Andy says Naido is important and people are looking for her.It could be plausible that she is Judy.
As Richard and the Bad Dale drive away the convenience store disappears into the woods with great electric force

                   In the woods of Twin Peaks we find Gersten, the Hayward daughter and Steven,Becky's husband. Steven appears to be going through withdrawal while Gersten does her best to comfort him.He rubs his leg frantically. He has a gun in his hand. Have they been hiding in the woods all this time after Becky came after him with a gun? Cold and suffering from exposure and the disruptive effects of Sparkle?
                    She asks what is it that Becky gave him?Red's new designer drug continues to infect the town.With only a few episodes to go will we see Red held accountable for his crimes? Before he hurts Shelly.What if he gives Shelly this new drug?
                   Steven plans to take his life. He laments that he is nothing but a high school graduate.That he enjoyed being with her.His words become more concerning.Gersten is in tears and pleads for him to stop this.There is a sense that he will try and shoot her and then himself,but only briefly.He makes no direct threat.
                   A man walking his dog on a trail in the woods approaches.Distracting the two.Gersten makes a dash for safety to the other side of the large tree they have been sitting at.

                  From the other side of the tree there is the sound of a gunshot.Gersten grabs her head in desperation,repeats no over and over and then stares up into the trees.The World spins.

                      At the New Fat Trout Trailer part, the man who was walking his dog returns and motions for Carl to come.This is the former television reporter,Cyril Pons, from the pilot episode,as played by co-creator Mark Frost. Cyril tells Carl what he has seen.Points out Steve and Becky’s trailer.There has always been trouble in that trailer.
                     Its now night at the Roadhouse. ZZ Tops Sharp Dressed Man plays over the speakers.An amusing choice considering the style of music the Roadhouse has shown over there last 15 episodes. Supposedly, Lynch is a fan of he group.
                    James and the green gloved brit,Freddie, enter.It must be after their night at work from the last episode.Guess nothing came of the moody humming heard in the basement of the Great Northern that drew James attention.
                    James awkwardly says from across the room to Renee, who is seated with her husband and another couple, " Its good to see you"
                     Renee's husband,Chuck, is not pleased and tells James to not ever talk to his wife. James stutters and says he was just trying to be polite and that he likes Renee. The husband gets up and punches James to the floor and then continues to punch him.
                     James approaching another mans wife in front of her husband is weird, even for Twin Peaks behavior. Now,from what we have been told,James has been in some type of accident.Likely a bike accident.This could have damaged that part of his brain that knows what boundaries are in public situations.In his mind, he sees someone whom he is fond of and he feels the need to say so. Unless this is some dramatic ruse that was intended to get the two of them arrested and in jail to be close enough to protect Naido by instigating a fight.
                     With a simple tap to the face, the Brit knocks both Chuck and his buddy to the floor.Even this light punch strikes with a force so hard it makes the record skip. James gets up and tells someone to call 911 ,now, as these two are really hurt. Chuck is foaming at the mouth.
Chuck is a name we have heard mentioned before.From Audrey.How does Audrey know this man, she never leaves her home?
Las Vegas.
                    FBI, are not having much luck tracking down the right Jones and Janey-E
At Duncan’s office , he pages for Roger to find Anthony.Just then, a woman enters, and shoots Duncan in the face and Roger in the chest.
                    Its Chantal. She strides away towards the door but then is called back as she hears the labored breathing of Roger.."oh shit " She goes back to finish the job....."One down, one to go" she tells Hutch.Asking him to get some Wendy’s french fries with extra ketchup
                   Who is the one to go?The obvious thought is the Good Dale.But might it be Janey-E? Diane’s sister?Could we see Chantal and Hutch come to The Jones home and thinking that they are meant to kill the Good Dale, but take down Janey-E instead. What will they say when they see The Good Dale, who looks like a cleaned up version of their boss?And what of Chantal’s desire to spend time torturing before the kill.Could Janey-E be in danger of that fate?Or will Janey-E kick ass and take names when the time comes like she has done on more than one occasion before?
Twin Peaks Sheriffs station.
                       James and the Freddie are arrested and placed in separate cells. Chad from an adjacent cell makes a comment"What did that gloved freak do now?" Freddie has not been in town that long.Has he caused trouble before?Accidentally broken something or damaged property with his extra strong grip?
                     Freddie asks about the drunk " whats he doing in the cell?"Considering hte look of hte drunk, it does seem a little odd that he has not been given more medical attention.
James ask if the guys who were punched are ok-both are in intensive care.This consideration on his part is very like James.
                  Interesting, considering their past.Bobby makes no comment to or about James.

James then notices Naido.She is making motions with her hand and chattering in her odd fashion. Again, I am struck with the thought that the two of them getting into jail was a planned effort.Freddie could easily break the lock on his cell door with his hand if the need arose.And could certainly come to the defense of Naido.

Las Vegas,

                      Hutch and Chantel are enjoying their Wendy’s and a little lively conversation after the kill.
                     Hutch talks about how what they do, people in the government get paid to do as well."And then there is the So-called Christian nation" and their wicked ways
"Thou shalt kill, show no mercy,Forgive no one Fuck em in the ass.Nation of killers killing all along.Killed damn near all the Indians , didn’t they?"
                    Is Chantel's wistful longing for having an opportunity to torture someone rather than just kill them, a foreshadowing of a future event? Might Chad end up in her hands?Or better, Richard?
For Chantal the fun is over once the person is dead. No fun torturing a corpse.She hasn’t been able to torture anyone for a long time.Shes hungry for more than Wendy’s.Anyone else craving dipping some fries into a Frosty?
                    Elsewhere in Vegas, its dinner at the Dougies.The Good Dale is having chocolate cake.Janey-E wistfully says It's like all our dreams are coming true.So we know in Lynchland that means that a nightmare is on it's way.
                    The Good Dale repeats :"True" continues to eat his cake.Randomly moves a salt and pepper shaker on the table .Repeatedly taps buttons on the remote control on the table in front of him. Though the actions are subtle, these are some of the first we have been shown that have not been reflexive on The Good Dales part.He wasn’t responding to someones words or push.He made the first move.
Sunset Boulevard comes on the television
DEMILLE: Good-bye Norma. We'll see what we can do.
NORMA: I'm not worried. The whole team together again. Nothing can stop us.
DEMILLE: The whole team. Yeah. Good-bye dear.
NORMA: Good-bye, Mr. DeMille.
JOE: How did it go?
NORMA: It couldn't have gone better. It's practically set. He'll have to finish this picture first. Mine will be next.
DEMILLE: Get Gordon Cole. Tell him to forget about our car.
But in Sunset Boulevard,Norma will never get the "team back together", despite the director humoring her.Could this be a subtle hint that Cooper will not be joining back up with the old team in the end?He's not going anywhere?

As the line "Get Gordon Cole" is spoken
                   This registers with the Good Dale.He moves, like never before, with intent. He pauses the TV as he ponders those words.
                   Faint electrical scratching beckons the Good Dale from across the room and towards an electrical outlet. With fork in hand he crawls towards it.
                   Placing the handle of the fork into the outlet, the electricity hums louder the room is awash in white and Janey-E screams.Will The Good Dale wake up from this shock? If Cooper wakes up from this that will mean that his lifespan in the mind of "Dougie Jones" lasted from episode 3 to 15.315
                   When the fork goes in,could the Good Dale disappear by the time they come back on?Is he traveling through electricity to another place?Was that him moving down the wires we saw earlier?
                    Tonight's episode says "Dedicated to Margaret Lanterman", the character this time ,not the actress.This will be the last time we see both.This was an emotional moment to witness.Even thinking about it now,brings the heart ache.
The Log Lady calls Hawk:

"I'm dying
You know about death
that its just a change
not an end.
It's time.
There's some fear
Some fear in letting go.
Remember what I told you.
I can't say more over the phone, but you know what I mean
From our talks from when we were able to speak face to face
Watch for that one.The one I told you about.The one under the moon.Under blue pine mountain.
My log is turning gold.
The wind is moaning
I'm dying
Good night ,Hawk

Good night, Margaret.
Good-bye Margaret
Thank you, Catherine Coulson.

Thank you David Lynch and Mark Frost for gifting us this moment.

                 Oh,..... and Hawk.Go to her!!! Don’t just sit in your office .Go to her, don't let her die alone in the woods.
                 We have witnessed an amazing moment in time. A television show that has incorporated someone's impending real life death into the story.She says goodbye to all of us as we say goodbye to her.
                  Margaret told Hawk to remember someone, someone “from our talks when we were able to speak face to face. Watch for that one, the one I told you about, the one under the moon at Blue Pine Mountain.”
                  “The one under the moon at Blue Pine Mountain” mostly likely refers to the symbol for the horned, owl-like entity spotted on Hawk’s map and the cryptic script left by Major Briggs for Bobby. When Sheriff Truman inquired about the icon, Hawk told him that no man should ever want to know about whatever it was that thing represented.
                    Margaret also spoke of not being able to speak on the phone.She knows of the dangers that are listening within the wires.
                     Audrey and Charlie:still haven’t left to the Roadhouse.And looks like they still are not going anywhere despite being at the threshold.
I feel as if we are watching a play,stuck on the same page."No Exit".Audrey doesn’t really want to leave because outside there are other people.Hell is other people.What is she afraid of? There has been speculation that she remains in a coma and all these scenes take place in a dream.But Audrey has spoken or real people who exist in the world of Twin Peaks.People that she wouldn’t know if she has still been in a coma all these years. Unless the Lodge has given her knowledge in the form of her dreams.
                      Audrey keeps conversationally ignoring the question of leaving.Of putting her coat on so they can leave.No one makes motion to open the door. Charlie is ready to go but Audrey keeps looking to start an argument over nothing. Claiming that Charlie is complaining.Always complaining like a sick dog.
                   Audrey complains that Charlie is a complainer,though Audrey does all of the complaining.Projecting,  never seeing herself.
                   Audrey comes to some personal revelation about Charlie ( or herself?if this is all inside her head) She claims she is seeing him for the first time.He is like a different person to her.Is she breaking through her mental block?Did she get a little bit of her own..ooooh.. shock treatment,like The Good Dale?
                   I am seriously beginning to favor the thought that Audrey is in some kind of mental institution.Perhaps even sedated heavily,permanently. And her scenes have what been is going on inside her head as she fights to get out.To wake up.But since she never opens the door, she remains trapped inside. She comes close. But then that part of her mind that has created Charlie.The rational,hard working part, gives up once again. Causing Audrey to express how much she hates that this part of her does give up when all she wants to do is go.
                   Eventually, Charlie does give up, removes his coat and sits down. Having had enough of Audrey’s argumentative state. She goes into a rage and rushes across the room,pushing Charlie to the couch while she strangles him.Though not to forcefully. She screams that she hates him.

"How can you be like this?I hate you.Do you know how much I hate you?" Could she be speaking to her self?

As we cut to the Roadhouse.,sans Audrey.
The Veils are on stage playing "Axolotl"
                 In this weeks episode of "Franks Booth", The same booth in the bar where strange and dark things occur almost every episode, A frail,dark haired woman named Ruby sits in a booth alone. Two big bikers approach her .She says she is waiting for someone.Did they abandon her?stand her up?
                 The bikers move her like she is an inconvenient piece of furniture, not a person..Where she remains for moment while the band plays on
                Then quietly,slowly,degraded she crawls on the floor,into the forest of Roadhouse legs.The crawling a twin of The Good Dales scene earlier in the episode.When she crosses the threshold of the crowd, she screams.Repeatedly.

Cut to black
                Is she screaming at the futility of her world? The fact that no one around her came to help or comfort.To chastise those who took what they wanted, just because. Screaming that she was able to crawl into the crowd and NO one noticed.
               She seems lost. Could she be from the local nut house? The one that may contain Audrey? and she is out among the people .Unsure of her safety. Reacting as some might in intimdating ,stressful sensory overload situations my retreating, screaming in a panic attack.
               Ruby is wearing red glasses and a sweater..a similar appearance of the Log Lady.....Could this be the new change for the Log Lady?
"You know about death, that it's just a change, not an end."
Could Margaret be the one screaming through Ruby?