Saturday, January 1, 2011

Woke Up.Fell Out of Bed.Dragged the comb across my head...

I am fascinated with stories wherein the main character is alone in a empty world. (Down Freud,Down boy).
Take 28 Days Later.  The beginning of that movie is what Im talking about here. Waking up one morning  to find everyone gone. I often have dreams like that. Just me, waking up in the middle of a Sunday afternoon after taking a nap.Where its just a little too quiet outside.  Maybe it started with that old Twilight Zone eps. Alone in a Library of books. I could really dig that.
     What would YOU do? Where would you go first?Would  you feel tempted to explore your neighbors homes to discover what REALLY goes on behind those closed doors?Would you ransack the stores and load up on all those toys you wanted  so too be the person to die with the most?  Where would you live, now that you could have any house on the block?
     Food wouldnt be a problem. There is the stuff in the cans, and you could take up gardening for the green goodies.
    However,How long would the power last? Sure ,the system has to be automated, but for how long before it falls down go BOOM??And when it BOOMS, whose going to put out THAT fire,that will surely spread.
     And what other modern neccessities would you have to learn to live without? Those simple everyday things like a reliable water source, for a flushable toilet.
      Would there be Zombies?? There always seems to be Zombies....or other things that go bump in the night. Imagine the night if the power stopped working ,and there was no one else to make a sound. No trains passing in the distance. No dogs barking.Crickets chirping.Water Running. You know , all that environmental music...suppose to make you horny, just makes me have to goto the bathroom
     So...anyway......By no means the complete version I have begun, just the jist.....
        I started putting to paper a short story that begins in this way. Well, it begins after we folllow our main character through an ordinary uneventful day at work. He awakes in the afternoon after a long nap, and goes about business, unaware what has happened to the world outside. It is not until he steps outside to goto the grocers when things start to look out of sorts.  The streets are empty of cars. No accidents or vehicles pulled to the side in distress. Just clear roads on side streets and main roadways. Not far from his home he will stop at an intersection and just wait for anything to happen as the light rotates thru its colors.
         As he drives through  town, he calls everyone on his cell phone with no anwser.Just voices on machines. Unconsciously, he will find himself in front of his parents place.
         After a thorough search of his empty childhood home, he simply stumbles onto the front porch, dazed.He makes one last call as he sits there on the steps, watching the sun set. Inside the house ,the phone rings. With a click and a beep the answering machine  awakens and he hears his Mother's voice telling the caller to "please be a dear and leave a message after the beep". He calls again.The machine beeps, but he still doesnt leave a message. He just calls Again.And Again.And Again.

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